Friday, April 14, 2023

April 2023

The meeting planned for March 14 was cancelled because of the stormy weather.  We met at Joan's on April 11 minus Arleen, who was returning from Hawaii that day.  Joan served a delicious fruit salad with lemon sorbet.

QT's second Tuesday of the month schedule was discussed for possible change.  It has conflicted with other activities for one or two people and was especially problematic for Joan because of her commitment to EBHQ's Tuesday drop-in.  The final consensus, including consultation with Arleen, is that Quilt Therapy will meet on the second Wednesday of the month starting with May 10.  That meeting will be at Marty's and will begin at 1:30pm.  Deanna volunteered to host the June meeting.

Thanks for sending me your text suggestions to accompany the photos from the meeting.  If you'd like to add more info or make corrections, please send to me via email.


Marty's batik square-in-a-square is now finished, quilted, bound and labeled.  

This beautiful quilt is Marty's version of the original square Bobbie designed.  
Marty asked for quilting suggestions, keeping in mind she does not do free-motion quilting and the result will likely be diagonal lines.


Deanna's kept herself busy in between caring for her grandchildren in Texas.


This is the front and back of the quilted bedspread Bobbie made for her Great Granddaughter.  Marty volunteered to do the binding.  Bobbie is very grateful!


Final views of the sports-themed quilt for her grandson:

This quilt seems huge, and Mary's quilting is amazing!  This next piece is an older project Mary's pulled out to quilt.


The latest EPP quilt  top is complete and now at Melissa’s.  All the print fabrics were from Joan's stash which she hasn't dented, so she’ll continue to work at reducing the pile.  The pattern is called Tula’s Bloomers. 


Her latest round robin project: 

Her new studio space:

And she continues to work on the beautiful EPP flower project:




The English paper-pieced quilt top is complete and now at Melissa’s.  All the print fabrics were from Joan's stash which she hasn't  dented, so she'll continue to work at reducing the pile.  The pattern is called Tula’s Bloomers. 


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