Saturday, April 27, 2019

April 2019

We met at Bobbie's place for our April meeting.  Some of us were a bit challenged about getting into the building (okay, me) but we arrived to a smaller group.  Bobbie served a delicious bread pudding with ice cream and Roger kept us updated on the score for the Warriors game.

Next meeting is at Joan's house on May 2.  And a reminder to think about, start, or finish your challenge quilt of "pear, pair, pere....."

Bobbie started off by showing us a quilt on her design wall, for which I neglected to get photos.  If any of you have a photo, please send it to me and I'll add it in here.

She also showed us her progress on her India pieces.

And a closer look at the quilting detail of one of the pieces. The cross hatch quilting really adds to the piece.

Mary brought her spectacular bargello quilt that she made for her daughter and son-in-law.

And here is the back, using a few of the leftovers from the front.

Mary also was working on a pinwheel style quilt that is very colorful and happy.

Joan brought this crazy quilt for us to see.  The quilt was made by Richard’s grandmother, Gertrude Jaedicke, from scraps from making clothing for her five daughters.

This detail of the quilt shows there is also beading on it.

Joan adopted some orphan Dresden blocks from EBHQ drop-in and is rescuing them.

And Joan continues on her English paper piecing of the Moncarapacho quilt in a beautiful subtle palette.

Marty also adopted some batik fabric squares from drop-in and is bordering each square for a dark/light combination.

Mindy is working on a quilt for the EBHQ community quilts.

And continues to make progress on her flower/vine quilt with her very tiny EPP hexagon flowers.

Deanna went on a stash clearing journey and made pillow cases out of some of the fabric she found.

Betsy made some progress on her EPP quilt, working from the center out.

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