Saturday, October 10, 2015

October, 2015 meeting

We were only five but we made the most of the time we had to dive a bit deeper into topics.   Here's what Marty, Deanna, Sandy, Arleen, and Betsy are working on.

Deanna decided she needed to add more quilting to her Avalon quilt so she has been free motion quilted in leaves and vines.  See the second photo for the detail.
Deanna's Avalon Quilt

Quiltin detail for Deanna's Avalon Quilt
 Marty has been quilting her Dragon Wall Hanging and asked for opinions on adding beading embellishment.  We auditioned various styles using the gold beads Marty had with her and tried out some black beads from Betsy's stash (courtesy of Sandy).
Marty's Two Dragons Playing Ball quilt

Marty has also started joining the "footballs" for her wedding ring quilt and will experiment on whether she wants to make rows and join rows together or just add a "block" at a time.  All beautifully hand-pieced.

Sandy didn't make it down in time to enter her challenge quilt for the Alameda County show, so instead she expanded it to make a baby quilt.  You can see the center left panel that was the original challenge of Harmonic Convergence design.
Sandy's Harmonic Convergence baby quilt
Betsy had made a second Sticks and Stones Jelly Roll lap quilt to use up the blocks she had made with the stones going in the wrong direction.  She added more oranges and pinks in this version and distributed these new blocks evenly across the old purple blocks.
Betsy's second Sticks and Stones quilt

Betsy also made a Rail Fence style quilt for Lori, her daughter-in-law's mother.  Lori loves orange and this jelly roll quilt delivers on that color.
Modified Rail Fence Jelly Roll lap quilt
 Quilting was simple straight line.

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