The rain started just as we all got to Deanna’s house. For the first time in a while, we were all able to make it through dark clouds, rain and a flat tire. It was so nice to step into a warm and welcoming house filled with friends. The next meeting will be at Marty’s house on March 13 at 01:30. With VIC so close, I thought I would include a picture of the parking at the Kaiser Convention Center.
Joan just got back from Washington and showed the quilt that Melissa Quilter finished for her. The beautiful fabric was enhanced by feathers,, swirls, leaves and flowers.
It’s a 13 lbs, 9 ounce baby girl. Congratulations to Mom and grandma. Alice showed us a picture of her new granddaughter. From her phone she also showed us a quilt in progress which is like a drunkards path pattern. It is a Norwegian pattern from Warm Folk which uses vegetable and fruit fabrics. Nice. She has finished her elephant quilt and has put it on the living room wall.
Deanna has been very productive with 4 quilts. The first was a pattern from Missouri Star which was quilted by Melissa and made from a layer cake with grunge fabric. The second and third were quilts made with Tildas World fabric. The fabrics are so soft with a nice hand. The fourth was her Many Trips around the world. She used binder clips that she got from Amazon for 5.99 for a pack of 100. They helped to stabilize the binding which was machine straight stitched from the front and then blanket stitched again from the front. Very secure and very well done.
Marty had three quilts to share. The first was a wall hanging that she made titled Memory of Japan 2023. She used machine embroidery and is thinking of adding more embroidery. The second quilt was made with some of Betsy’s fabric. It is one of her favorite patterns of using a 4 patch next to a square. It makes a cheerful baby quilt. The third quilt, also from Betsy fabric was a jelly roll of dotted almost metallic fabric with blue dotted triangles separating the strips. After the strips are sewn together, they are cut into 50 inch and then sewn together. The blue border pulls it all together.